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There is 3-Cosmic Framework in the Universe:Including Dark Matter and Dark Energy
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There is 3-Cosmic Framework in the Universe:Including Dark Matter and Dark Energy

作者: Hsien-Jung Ho
出版社: 新思潮研究室
出版日期: 2023-04-01
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT500.00
市场价格: RM76.06
本店售价: RM67.69
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详细介绍 商品属性 商品标记

  Based on String theory, there is a 3-cosmic framework of the Universe, which has triple cosmoses in the whole of space that can find a dark planet, which is about 1.33 times the mass of Mars, located inside the Earth, but in the other cosmos than ours. Based on the data of the cosmological parameters from the first year of WMAP observations to the Planck satellite observations in 2018, it can be speculated that the current dark energy should be taken as the residual energy of the Universe today after the Big Ban. Due to the rapid expansion of other high-energy-density cosmoses, its dark matter should exert a gravitational pull on the stars of our low-energy-density cosmos that causes the effect of accelerating the expansion of our cosmos.



Hsien-Jung Ho

  Bachelor Degree, 1967 / Civil Engineering Department, National Cheng Kung University
  Master Degree, 1969 / Civil Engineering Department, National Cheng Kung University
  Chairman / Ping Sung Industrial Corporation
  Associate professor / Civil Engineering Department, Ming-Hsin University of Science and Technology
  Associate researcher / Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan
  Chief of A & D Section, BES Engineering Corporation
  Chairman & Honorary Chairman / Taiwan Ufology Society
  Director / Society for the Study of Religious Philosophy
  Supervisor / Society for Parapsychology, Taiwan
  Speaker of Popular Science / National Taichung Library
  Speaker of Popular Science / National Taiwan Education Center
  Consultant of School Administration / National Chang Hua Senior High School
  Host / Taiwan Paleo-civilization Research Center
  Host / Newidea Research Center
  Member of ResearchGate Team



Chapter 1. The Universe is full of dark matter
The Universe is full of invisible objects
Dark matter does exist and is full of the Universe
Dark matter is formed by the type of cold dark matter model
Most baryons in the Universe are missing
Detecting residual cosmic radiation heat reveals many invisible objects

Chapter 2. conjectures and observations of dark matter
Interpretation and detection of dark matter in astrophysics
The dark matter records of astronomical observation in the Solar System
1. From old data of Comet Halley's period scientist predicted an invisible planet X
2. A proposed dark planet X may affect the motion of Neptune and Uranus
3. Pioneers 10 and 11 were pulled back to the direction of the Sun
The existence of the dark matter in the Universe
1. An invisible companion star of Cygnus X-1 may be a dark matter
2. Dark matter may be in Hyades supercluster

Chapter 3. Field theories of microscopic and macroscopic worlds
The space-time of human activity is four dimensions
The general profile of String Theory
Unified field theory
Supersymmetry Theory intervenes
Introduction to Superstring Theory
Space-time of Superstring Theory
Superstring Theory was ruled out

Chapter 4. The spacetime of String Theory in the Universe
Based on String Theory the Universe is a framework of 10-dimensional space-time
9-dimensional space of the Universe is no way to break down into 3 dimensions
Scientists suggested extra dimensions of space just like our ordinary 3-dimensional view
According to inflation theory the Universe can become a multiverse
Scientists devised a theory of the multiverse
The Universe should be 3-cosmic framework from Causality and Anthropic Principle

Chapter 5. Compact objects of the other cosmoses are all our dark matter
The multiverse can contain dark matters
Compact objects of the other cosmoses are pulling stars of ours accelerating expansion
The CMB cold spot may be first hard evidence for multiverse

Chapter 6. Exploring dark matter from the geophysics
Discrepancies in the normal structure of the Earth
Arguments on the topic of the CMB
1. The CMB is the boundary of Ramsey's phase-change not silicates and iron core interface
2. Bulk modulus keeps constant that density distribution should be continuous at the CMB
3. Seismic reflection amplitudes show only a phase-change at the CMB
4. The outer core is mainly composed of iron that is just an assumption
There were two different views in the CMB
The proportion of the quantity of iron in the core is not reasonable

Chapter 7. Study on structural model of the Earth in the CMB
Subjects of the model of thermal plume and plate tectonics still cause much debate
The heat flow of the Earth’s interior is energized by the heat emitted from the core
The heat flow is estimated in the interior of the Earth
The topographic map of CMB shows a height difference of more than 10 kilometers
The CMB topography reveals both sides may be the same materials
Platinum coming all the way from the core to the ground shows a single convection cell
A natural nuclear fission reactor was found near the Earth’s center
An 8 km diameter natural fission reactor at the Earth’s center generates the fission heat

Chapter 8. There are some different perceptions in the core
The heat flow of the outer core generates the geomagnetic secular variation
The heat flow of core becomes the geo-dynamo of great convection cell
The inner core should not be a rigid sphere
There are some arguments at the inner core boundary
Scientists suggested the density jump at the ICB
The great convection cells make the CMB topography
Oxidation-reduction reactions take place in the F-layer of the outer core

Chapter 9. Based on the new Earth model calculates the Earth’s data
A simplified method is applied to calculate the data of the Earth
Insufficient numerical values are calculated from proposed curves of density in the core
The gravity center of dark planet should coincide with the Earth
To calculate the data of dark planet inside the Earth
Comparing the gravity and the pressure of the new Earth model with the PREM

Chapter 10. The new Earth model develops a dark planet inside the Earth
The new Earth model can explain a dark planet in the cosmos other than ours
The dark planet should be proved by Chandler wobble
The new try can break the bottlenecks of research in geophysics and astrophysics

Chapter 11. The Universe fits in with the Big Bang Theory
There are 2 models of the Universe
The nascent Universe after the Big Bang
The spacetime of the Big Bang Theory

Chapter 12. The Universe is always accelerating expansion
Red shift light denotes galaxies of the Universe expansion
Measuring the brightness of Cepheid variable stars found the expanding Universe
Observing type 1a supernovae found the accelerating expansion of the Universe
Acceleration of the Universe expansion is thought dark energy existing
Dark matter and dark energy dominate the fate of the Universe

Chapter 13. Dark energy is the current residual energy in the Universe
Dark energy should be the residual energy of the Universe after Big Bang
The 3-cosmic framework of the Universe can hold dark energy
The Universe will collapse in a "Big Crunch" due to the gravity
Dark matter drags our cosmos expansion at an accelerated pace