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Peter Pan【原著彩圖版】
Peter Pan【原著彩圖版】
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Peter Pan【原著彩圖版】

作者: J. M. Barrie
出版社: 寂天
出版日期: 2018-07-10
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT240.00
市场价格: RM36.51
本店售价: RM32.49
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详细介绍 商品属性 商品标记

  Peter Pan, produced for the stage in 1904 but appeared as a narrative story in 1911, is a fantasy work by Scottish playwright and novelist James Matthew Barrie (1860–1937).

  Barrie is best remembered for inventing the character of Peter Pan, a mischievous little boy, who lives in Neverland, better known as Never-Never Land, a country where no child ever grows up.

  The most apparent theme in the story concerns growing up (or not), with the character of Peter wanting to remain a child forever and refusing to grow up. "Peter Pan syndrome" has become a psychiatric term named to describe an adult who is afraid of commitment or refuses to act his/her age. It is also sometimes used to positively describe an innocent approach to life.

  Peter Pan has been adapted for stage and screen many times. Besides, there have been several additions to Peter Pan’s story created, both authorized and not.

  《彼得潘》(Peter pan)是一部充滿想像與冒險的經典兒童故事。描述一位不願長大、想永遠過著孩童般無憂無慮的生活的男孩彼得潘,與一群孩子在夢幻島上的生活。他們脫離成人世界的狡詐與複雜,以最自然純真的方式生活,帶領我們走進一個成人永遠觸摸不到的夢幻島,一圓孩童時期的美夢。無論是兒童或成人,閱讀本書都能獲得最單純的快樂。

  Children are gay and innocent and heartless.





J. M. Barrie (1860–1937)【詹姆斯.馬修.巴里】

  J. M. Barrie (1860–1937), a Scottish novelist and dramatist. He created Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up. Peter Pan became Barrie’s most classic work, and is one of the most celebrated children’s books of all time.


  巴里擅長以幽默溫情的筆調,來描述蘇格蘭農村的風土人情。一生寫了許多童話故事和童話劇,1904年,他創作了讓他揚名立萬的作品《彼得.潘》(Peter Pan: The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up),這部作品在倫敦公演後引起極大轟動。1911年他將這部劇作改寫爲小說,後來被譯為多種語言廣傳世界。

  除了《彼得.潘》,巴里還爲孩子們寫了其他的童話故事和童話劇,例如《孤島歷險記》(The Admirable Crichton, 1902)、《小白鳥》(The Little White Bird, 1902)等等。


Chapter 1    Peter Breaks Through
Chapter 2    The Shadow
Chapter 3    Come Away, Come Away!
Chapter 4    The Flight
Chapter 5    The Island Come True
Chapter 6    The Little House
Chapter 7    The Home Under the Ground
Chapter 8    The Mermaids’ Lagoon
Chapter 9    The Never Bird
Chapter 10    The Happy Home
Chapter 11    Wendy’s Story
Chapter 12    The Children Are Carried Off
Chapter 13    Do You Believe in Fairies?
Chapter 14    The Pirate Ship
Chapter 15    “Hook or Me this Time”
Chapter 16    The Return Home
Chapter 17    When Wendy Grew Up