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Solastalgia: Forest, Crafts, and The People
Solastalgia: Forest, Crafts, and The People
Solastalgia: Forest, Crafts, and The People

Solastalgia: Forest, Crafts, and The People

作者: Gerimis Art Project
商品库存: 10
市场价格: RM55.00
本店售价: RM49.50
促销价: RM48.40
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Author/Illustrator bio:

Gerimis Art Project is a collaborative artistic and archiving collective that co-produces artworks and cultural content with indigenous Malaysian (Orang Asli) artists and artisans. The collective primarily works with Orang Asli who are already leading their own efforts in promoting and preserving their arts, culture, and traditions. Gerimis advocates for the Orang Asli’s customary territories and the return of these lands to their custodianship.

Book Description:
What is the relationship between the forest, crafts, and the people? And why does the breakdown of one affect the others? Through a series of conversations, observations, and reflections encountered and experienced throughout our 3-year fieldwork, this book explores the intimate relationship Malaysia’s indigenous people have with the land and sea, and how the survival of their culture and crafts depends on the survival of the forests.