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大地英豪 電影原聲帶雙彩膠(限台灣)

出版社: 音樂之橋
出版日期: 2023-01-06
商品库存: 点击查询库存
定价:   NT2558.00
市场价格: RM495.24
本店售价: RM440.76
促销价: RM435.81
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详细介绍 商品属性 商品标记

★首版全球限量1000片 雙彩膠 首版『Smoke & Fire" Vinyl』
★音場寬廣飽滿 如臨現場 發燒100分
★細細品味此美版經典專輯 即便16首歌曲已聽過200遍 依舊動聽如常


大地英豪這部獲得1992年64屆奧斯卡最佳錄音作品獎的電影原聲帶,是曲Trevor Jones和Edelman二位音樂家聯手合作。一開始的主題旋律就帶出高山大河般的磅礡氣勢,整張音樂雖充滿獨特的民族悲歌的色彩,每一首卻有著獨立的風格與特色,尤其是Trevor Jones善長以弦樂群編織著優美動人的旋律,配合強烈且巨大的節奏交織成驚心動魄的音網,緊緊攫獲聆聽者的心弦;忽而又以單把提琴,輕快地節奏述說著歷史悲歌,精緻短小,孤獨美麗,引人入勝。
Edelman的作品則帶者較濃的現代感和民謠色彩,聽聽The Courier和Cora這二首,甜美而靜謐,彷彿描寫蒼茫大地夜幕低垂時的景緻,別是一番風味。最後一首由Giaran Brennan製作的主題曲I Will Find You,則廣泛運用了電子合成樂器,創造出一種不同的合聲音質、更超越了傳統的頻寬表現,在氣勢上展現得更為寬廣、旋律富變幻性,仔細聆聽,深具心靈意象之美。對於音響迷,則要提醒系統播放時音場要乾淨,而低頻則必需夠彈性;細細品味此張動人而值得典藏的音樂,您會和我一樣,有著深深的震憾與感動。世紀之初,所有事物都在追求速度的時代,音橋卻默默用心為您尋找並保存二十世紀最值得回味的聲音,帶領樂迷進行深度的音樂之旅,找回記憶中不該遺忘的珍貴情懷。

Double LP
Original motion picture soundtrack on orange vinyl with black streaks "Smoke & Fire"
Limited to 1,000 copies
Gatefold jacket festooned with production stills!
Rare is the soundtrack that as time passes overshadows the film of which it was a part, but that's what has happened in the years since the 1992 release of The Last of the Mohicans. Not that the film is any slouch; Michael Mann's epic retelling of James Fenimore Cooper's frontier tale is a cable TV fixture and more evidence that Daniel Day-Lewis is one of the great actors of our time. But the film's music has emerged as easily one of the most popular scores of ‘90s cinema, with the "Main Title" in particular having become a part of our popular culture the same way as, say, the signature themes from Titanic, Star Wars, and other blockbusters.
What makes it even more extraordinary is that the movie's score emerged from postproduction turmoil as the work of two different composers, Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman. Jones' work is more of the traditional orchestral soundtrack ilk, Edelman's has a more contemporary feel, but somehow it all fits, with the closing credit song "I Will Find You" by Clannad an added bonus. Long a bestselling soundtrack CD, Real Gone Music is releasing this revered soundtrack on vinyl in orange with black streaks "smoke and fire" vinyl limited to 1,000 copies, inside a gatefold festooned with production stills. Guaranteed to get your blood stirring!

Side A

1.Main Title

Elk Hunt

The Kiss

The Glade Part II

5.Fort Battle

Side B
1. Promentory
2. Munro's Office Stockade
3. Massacre/Canoes
Side C
1. Top of the World
2.  The Courier
3.  Cora
4. River Walk and Discovery
Side D
1. Parlay
2. The British Arrival
3. Pieces of a Story
4. I Will Find You (Performed by Clannad)